Corporate Policy

Our corporate policy is geared towards strengthening the position of the Mannesmann Precision Tubes Group in the international market, coupled with the exploitation of synergies within the Salzgitter Group. Responsible action and sustainable business practices are an integral part of our corporate culture.

Our objective is to meet the expectations of all interested parties, and especially those of our customers. In order to achieve this, a growing number of management systems are being implemented in accordance with international standards, each with specific policies in the sectors of quality, environment & energy as well as occupational health & safety. Other areas such as code of conduct, compliance, sustainability (SAQ Automotive), digitalization and information security are growing in importance in our Integrated Management System.


Photo of a manual tube inspection

Occupational Health and Safety

Photo of two employees in work clothes

Environment & Energy

Photo of steel tubes during heat treatment

Code of Conduct

Photo of a patch from Mannesmann Precision Tubes on an overall

Information duties

Mannesmann Precision Tubes GmbH

Determination and disclosures in accordance with section 289f (2) no. 4, (4) German HGB (German)

Mannesmann Precision Tubes France SAS

Gender Equality Index (Index de l’égalité professionnelle entre les femme et les hommes) 2023: 74/100.