Sustainability at Mannesmann

Certified environmental, energy and occupational health and safety management systems have been the basis for the careful use of resources at Mannesmann for years. With a comprehensive sustainability project, we have significantly expanded our efforts and firmly anchored sustainability in our corporate strategy and culture.


At Mannesmann Precision Tubes, we are using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, defined by the United Nations, as a basis for our sustainability activities. The goals cover a wide variety of topics to ensure that economic and social development always takes account of future generations. In addition to environmental and climate protection, other economic and social objectives are also linked to this. As an international employer and as a corporate group that is an integral part in numerous industrial supply chains, we can contribute in many ways. 

Climate protection is the emphasis of our sustainability measures. It is our common goal to produce seamless and welded steel tubes with the lowest possible carbon footprint and support our customer to reduce their emissions with the use of our products.

The sustainable setup of all business processes is the ticket to the industry of the future.

Amit Bedi, Chairman of the Executive Board 

Climate protection at a glance

One of the most pressing issues in the field of sustainability at Mannesmann is minimizing the impact of our own activities on the climate.

The basis for this is a greenhouse gas balance in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which includes not only CO2 but also other climate-damaging gases. All gases are converted into CO2 equivalents to determine the company's carbon footprint. The emissions are then assigned to Scopes 1 - 3:

Scope 1: Direct emissions from the manufacture of our precision steel tubes within Mannesmann Precision Tubes.

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of the electricity we purchase and consume.

Scope 3: Indirect emissions caused, for example, by the production and transport of our pre-material, steel production in particular.

For each scope we define targets and measures that will drastically reduce the CO2 footprint of our group.

Measures & Projects

From the countless small and large measures which we are implementing to make our group more sustainable, you will find some important topics below.

CO2-reduced steel

Learn more about so called "green steel" in our pre-material chain here.

Furnace Conversion Project

Read more about our pioneering work on low-emission heat treatment here.

Sustainable Product Development

Lightweight construction and low-emission mobility of the future are focal points of our development activities.

Get in touch with us!

We are evaluating the entire supply chain with our sustainability team in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum - this can only be done in close cooperation with all involved parties. We look forward to this journey together!

Florian Benesch, Team Leader Sustainability

Contact Team Sustainability

Florian Benesch
Team Leader Sustainability

Mannesmann Precision Tubes GmbH
Wiesenstraße 36
45473 Mülheim an der Ruhr
+49 208 458-1252